【How to Survive from Hay Fever🤧】

[How to Survive from Hay Fever]

If you’re suffering from excessive sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, or a scratchy throat you might be experiencing an allergy from Japanese cedar pollen, or sugi tree – known as kafunsho (花粉症)/hay fever.  

Here are our recommended Ways to Survive Hay Fever (kafunsho) Season in Japan. Kafunsho is hard on adults but even tougher on kids in Japan. To help deal with the pollen this season we listed a few ideas from Amazon.co.jp to help you and your loved ones survive hay fever season in Japan. 

・Use some prevention hay fever stuff from drug store
There are so many goods related to hay fever, and you can find them in drug store. That will be masks, face spray, nose spray, antihistamines, eye wash, probiotics stuff and so on. You can buy them ¥500 to ¥1500, so try to get them!
・Get air cleaner
・Shower/Bathe before bed to remove pollen from your hair and skin
・Check the pollen forecast before going out
If the pollen counts are high keep your windows closed and dry laundry indoors.

The hay fever season is almost finished, but if you are really struggling having that, you should try them to get better!

[花粉症を乗り切るには? ]


日本で花粉症(花粉症)の季節を乗り切るためのおすすめの方法をご紹介します。花粉症は大人にはキツいですが、子供にも大変なものです。 今シーズンの花粉を乗り切るために、あなたとあなたの愛する人たちが、日本の花粉症シーズンを乗り切るのに役立ついくつかのアイデアを挙げます。

日本には、花粉症対策関連の商品がたくさんあり、ドラッグストアで簡単に見つけることができます。 マスク、フェイススプレー、ノーズスプレー、アレルギー薬、アイボンなどの目を洗うもの、プロバイオティクス(善玉菌)などです. 500円から1500円ほどで買えるので、ぜひ購入してみてください!

