【Why learn Japanese is difficult】

【Why learn Japanese is difficult】

Japanese is said to be one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world to learn. If I weren’t Japanese, I think it would be quite difficult, and I really respect people who are not from Japan but who can speak Japanese. What could be so difficult? We will clarify here.

Difficulty ①
○Variety of character types (hiragana, katakana, kanji, alphabet)
The Japanese use the above four characters instinctively. There are so many Japanese characters so that makes people unknown where to start! 

Difficulty ②
○Many ways to read kanji (on-yomi, kun-yomi, special readings, proper nouns, etc.)
Regarding this kanji, it seems like an endless training for people from non-kanji countries. If you look it up in a dictionary, you’ll find that even just one kanji has an unusually large number of readings. I feel that it is unavoidable to call it endless penance when it comes to more than 2,000 kanji.

Difficulty ③
○ There are few readings of kanji
I think it’s hard for Japanese learners that most of the kanji that are used in daily life don’t have ”how to read”. Currently, “how to read” ​​is attached to kanji that have special readings or are not familiar to Japanese people, but other than that, “how to read” ​​is not attached.

Difficulty ④
○ Extensive vocabulary
One of the characteristics of Japanese is its rich vocabulary. To be precise, “the vocabulary required to understand general sentences is particularly large in the case of Japanese.”

Difficulty ⑤
○ Inferring omitted information (missing subject or object, high-context culture)
The biggest difficulty in translating from Japanese to English is the ambiguity caused by missing subjects and objects.

Difficulty ⑥
○ Many onomatopoeia
In other words, onomatopoeia (パタン) and mimetic words (きらきら) are frequently used, and it is said that there are more than 5,000 types of words.

Difficulty ⑦
○Differences in Japanese pronunciation structure/grammatical structure
Pronunciation difficulty is also an area that is easily influenced by the native language of the learner. This is called “mother tongue interference”, and there are times when the pronunciation tends to be closer to that of the mother tongue, or sounds that are not in the mother tongue cannot be produced. Also, you know that the grammatical structure is complicated compared to other countries.

For this reason, if you can’t speak Japanese well, please check the link below once! You can survive in Japan with this!
https://www.bunka.go.jp/…/h25_nihongo…/pdf/a_28.pdf ]









○日本語の発音構造/ 文法構造の違い
