[ Father’s Day in Japan👨 ]

[ Father’s Day in Japan]

Do you know when Father’s Day is? Do you always give presents on Father’s Day? This time, I will post the origin of Father’s Day and recommended gifts!

Father’s Day is a day to thank the father who always supports the family. In Japan, it is established on the third Sunday of June every year, and it is common to give yellow roses and presents to fathers. In many countries around the world, including the United States, England, France, and Japan, the third Sunday in June is Father’s Day.

・Advocated by a woman in the early 1900s
The origins of Father’s Day in America date back to the early 1900s. When a lady was a child, her father was a soldier and was drafted into the Civil War. While her father was away, her mother, who worked single-handedly to support her family, destroyed her health. Her mother died shortly after her father returned from the war. Her father raised six children.
She thinks everyone need a day to thank my father for that. She petitioned the local pastors’ association to “make her Father’s Day the same as Mother’s Day to thank her mother,” and the first Father’s Day ceremony was held in June 1910. 

・In 1972, Father’s Day was enacted as a national holiday.
Father’s Day came to be recognized around 1916. Mother’s Day was established as a national holiday in 1914, but Father’s Day became an official holiday about 60 years after she first proposed it. In 1972, the third Sunday in June was finally officially designated as Father’s Day.

・What should you give?
It is customary to give roses on Father’s Day. Also, not only roses, but also food, drinks, business goods, health tools, etc. You will be pleased if you choose a gift that matches your father’s taste and lifestyle. Let’s search for “Father’s Day Recommended”!

【父の日👴👨 日本】





父の日にはバラを贈るのが一般的です。またバラに限らず、食べ物や飲み物、ビジネスグッズ、健康グッズなどお父さんの好みやライフスタイルに合わせてプレゼントを選ぶと喜ばれるでしょう。「父の日 おすすめ」で検索してみましょう!