【10 Healthiest Food in Japan🌾 ~Why Japanese People Stay Healthy and Live Long??~】

【10 Healthiest Food in Japan ~Why Japanese People Stay Healthy and Live Long??~】

Why Japanese people live longer than other nations? According to the World Health Organization, Japan has been ranked as No. 1 long living nation for past 20 years. The biggest reason is because of their diet. Generally, Japanese food is known as healthy and low in fat which bring good effects to their long living lives. Let’s find out which Japanese foods are particularly good for our bodies!

I’m going to introduce you 10 healthy foods which people commonly eat in Japan.

[10 Healthiest Food in Japan]

★1. Miso

Fermented soya bean paste. Miso is commonly eaten as soup. Miso soup is served with most of Japanese dishes and one of the most significant dishes in Japan.

★2. Sashimi

Sashimi is sliced raw fish. Japan is surrounded by two great ocean, the Sea of Japan and the Pacific ocean. Thank to them, Japanese eat lots of seafood specially in fresh.

★3. Seaweed

Another great bonus from the great ocean. Seaweed is very commonly eat in Japan as fresh or dry. You eat a lot when going to sushi shop!

★4. Natto

Probably the most hated Japanese dish to most of foreigners and even to many Japanese. Natto is fermented soya beans which has very strong smell and slimy texture.

★5. Shiitake Mushroom

The healthiest mushroom, Shiitake is commonly eaten in Japan and also used as stocks as it has very rich flavours.

★6. Tofu

Soya products are very common in Japan. Tofu is perfect dish for those who is on diet or vegetarians.

★7. Green Tea

“Matcha”Green tea is probably the healthiest drink in Japan. This is without suger tho!

★8. Soba

Japanese eat lots of noodles like Ramen,Udon etc but if you wanna go healthy, eat Soba!

★9. Edamame

Another Soya bean product! Edamame is fresh soya beans commonly eaten during summer in Japan.

★10. Konyaku

Konyaku might look a bit odd at first glance. It’s a grey jelly stuff made from Konyaku potatoes. It doesn’t really have taste..but it is full of goodness!

Do you usually eat any of those above? Give a try!

【日本の健康食品10選 ~なぜ日本人は健康で長生きできるのか?~】


日本で一般的に食べられている健康的な食品を、 10 個紹介します。

[日本の最も健康的な食品 10]




















