【How to spend time while New Year in Japan🎍🎌🌄】

【How to spend time while New Year in Japan】

New year is coming soon!
New Year (正月, shōgatsu) is the so important holiday in Japan. Most businesses shut down from January 1 to January 3, and families typically gather to spend the days together.

It is a tradition to visit a shrine or temple during shogatsu (hatsumode). The most popular temples and shrines in Aichi, such as Atsuta Shrine, attract many people during the three days.

Most attractive thing during shogatsu is various kinds of special dishes are served during shogatsu at home. They include osechi ryori, otoso (sweetened rice wine) and ozoni (a soup with rice cakes). 

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正月(正月)は日本にとってとても重要な祝日です。ほとんどの企業は 1 月 1 日から 1 月 3 日まで休業し、通常は家族が集まって数日間を一緒に過ごします。


