【the BEST place to visit in Nagoya🏯】

【the BEST place to visit in Nagoya】

If you are new to live or visit to Nagoya, I would super recommend to visit Nagoya castle. It takes just 5 minutes walk from Meijo Line “City Hall” to get there.

Nagoya Castle was completely rebuilt in 1959 and remains one of the city’s most important (and visited) landmarks. Originally constructed in 1612, this splendid moated complex includes highlights such as its splendid 48-meter-tall main tower. Famous for its two gilded dolphins (shachi) high up on its gables, the tower now houses a museum containing numerous art treasures, including painted wall screens, sliding doors, and wall paintings mainly of the Kano school.

click the link to get more details!

If you are not sure where to go, I would recommend to visit there so that you will feel the history in that. 

Address: 1-1 Honmaru, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0031
Official site: www.nagoyajo.city.nagoya.jp/en/



名古屋城は 1959 年に完全に再建され、今でも市内で最も重要なランドマークの 1 つです。 1612 年に建設されたこの壮麗な堀のある複合施設には、高さ 48 メートルの見事な天守閣などの見どころがあります。破風の高いところにある 2 頭の金色のシャチホコ (鯱) で有名なこの城には、現在、主に狩野派の障子、襖、壁画など、数多くの美術品が収蔵されている博物館が併設されています。



住所:〒460-0031 愛知県名古屋市中区本丸1-1