【 Iconic Food in Aichi 🍜🍘】

[ Iconic Food in Aichi ]

Aichi, where Referral partners are based in comes to gourmet foods, Nagoya cuisine such as miso katsu, chicken wings, and hitsumabushi is famous, and now there are even specialty restaurants in the Tokyo metropolitan area. However, this time, I will introduce three super local specialties of Aichi that are not well known outside of the locals.

[ Ebisen ]
People from Aichi and Nagoya, who are known to love shrimp, also love “Ebisen”. Aichi is the largest producer of shrimp crackers in Japan, and is said to have a domestic share of more than 90%. There are many manufacturers, including “Bankaku Sohonpo” (founded in 1889), which is famous nationwide for its Ebisen “Yukari”.

[ Kishimen ]
Flat udon. Aichi’s specialty with over 400 years of history. It is said that the reason why ‘kishimen’ became popular in Aichi Prefecture is that it is more flavorful than udon, and that it appealed to the tastes of the prefecture’s residents, who like strong seasonings.

[ Breakfast combo ]
In cafes in Nagoya, there is a morning combo called “mo-nin-gu”. It is famous for breakfast that comes with a drink, toast, omelet, salad, etc., and is only the price for a cup of coffee. Check out the breakfast combo of the coffee shop you like to visit!

Aichi Prefecture has many other delicious soul foods. When you come to Aichi Prefecture, please check it out and try it!


[ 愛知県のソウルフード ]


えび好きで知られる愛知県人・名古屋人は、やはり『えびせん』も大好き。愛知県はえびせんの生産量が日本一で、国内シェアも90%を超えると言われます。えびせん『ゆかり』で全国的にも有名な『坂角総本舖 (1889年創業)』さんをはじめ、多くの製造者さん達がいます。


