【Festival in Japan called Konomiya Naked Festival🎇】

【Festival in Japan called Konomiya Naked Festival】

Every freezing cold February, thousands of warmly dressed spectators line the avenue to the ancient shrine known as Konomiya Shrine, to watch thousands of naked men perform the Hadaka Matsuri, or Naked Festival. The battalions of men with white cotton loincloths are splashed with cold water as they carry portable shrines, or try to touch the “Lucky Man” as he makes his way to the inner shrine for riding of bad luck. This is the 1,200 year old Naoi-Shinji, or Hadaka Matsuri (Naked Festival), held at the Owari Okunitama Jinja Shrine in Aichi Prefectures’ city of Inazawa.

Only naked men participate (there are no naked women!) unfortunately. Naked festivals are held in various places around the country, but one of the biggest, oldest and more famous festivals is Inazawa’s Konomiya Naked Festival, held annually since the year 767 to offer invocations to dispel evil spirits and disease, and drive out bad luck and welcome in the good.

As with all Japanese festivals, there are plenty of food and drink stalls around the area, and many great photo opportunities too! If you find yourself in Aichi during the cold February months, about the time of the second moon, make sure you experience Inazawa’s Konomiya Shrine Naked Festival.

Date: February 3, 2023 (Friday)
Location: Owari Okuni Spirit Shrine (Konomiya) 1-1-1 Konomiya, Inazawa City, Aichi

↓To see more details what that is↓


毎年 2 月に凍りつく寒さの中で、何千人もの裸の男性が”はだか祭”をおこなう姿を見るために、何千人もの厚着した見物客が、国府宮神社として知られる古代の神社へ集まります。 軽い白い綿の”ふんどし”をまとった男性たちは、神輿を運ぶときに、冷たい水をかけたり、奥の宮に居る「ラッキーマン」に触れると厄を落とせるなど、非常に熱いお祭りです。 愛知県稲沢市の尾張大國霊神社で行われる1200年の歴史を持つ、正式名称、儺追神事(なおいしんじ)です。

参加者は、男性のみです (裸の女性は残念ながらいません)。はだか祭は全国各地で開催されていますが、最も大きく、最も古く、有名な祭りの一つが稲沢の国府宮はだか祭りで、767年から毎年行われ、厄除け、疫病退散を祈願して行われています。 


