[Recommended Super Sento Ranking 3 in Aichi ♨️]

[Recommended Super Sento Ranking 3 in Aichi ]

Today, I will introduce recommended Japanese style spa and bath in Aichi. Ranked by Aichi Prefecture’s “Super Sento” Sites based on impressions when interviewing, quality of facilities, quality of natural hot springs, evaluations on SNS such as Twitter, cost performance, number of website accesses, etc.
No.1 Canal Resort/Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya City

The interior is full of luxury, and there are many places to rest, such as cradle chairs, seats for pairs, and places to lie down. There is also a women-only area, so women can use it with peace of mind. There are more than 10,000 comics, and the whole building is a space where you can stay forever with free Wi-Fi. Needless to say that the baths, saunas, and bedrock baths are high standard, and the restaurant serves dishes from famous restaurants in Nagoya. It’s a facility that you can totally satisfied.

No.2 Ryusenji no Yu Nagoya Moriyama Main Store / Moriyama Ward, Nagoya City

“Tenku Spa Hills Ryusenji no Yu Nagoya Moriyama Main Store”, which was newly renovated in December 2018!! The best feature is the view from the open-air bath!! And the lineup of baths centered on carbonated springs is also wonderful. The sauna has an auto-Löyly function. In addition, the bedrock bath is also great. You can read 10,000 manga and books as much as you want, and there are plenty of rest areas. It is reasonable at 1200 yen even if a set of bath and bedrock bath. This price is a wonderful cost performance to spend a relaxing day.

No.3 Raku Spa Garden Nagoya/ Meito Ward, Nagoya City

You can spend a leisurely day at this facility, which is like a modern version of a health land. The set includes towels, indoor clothes, and bedrock baths. There are 5 types of bedrock baths, and you can see the planetarium and receive Löyly service. In the resting space, there are reclining seats, hammocks, sofas, semi-private rooms, fluffy cushions, and other places where you can rest, so that customers can spend time in their own way.  
You can read 40,000 manga as much as you want, and you can drink coffee for free. Of course, you can enjoy a comfortable space with free Wi-Fi throughout the building.

I recommend going there to relax.


【愛知県のおすすめ スーパー銭湯ランキング top3】


No.1 キャナルリゾート/名古屋市中川区


No.2 竜泉寺の湯 名古屋守山本店/ 名古屋市守山区
2018年12月に新築リニューアルした「天空スパヒルズ 竜泉寺の湯 名古屋守山本店」が2位!! 高台にある立地を活かしたスーパー銭湯に生まれ変わりました。1番の特徴は露天風呂からの眺め!! 遮るもののない景色は圧巻で、入浴しながら絶景が楽しめます。そして、炭酸泉を中心としたお風呂のラインナップも素晴らしい。サウナはオートローリュ機能がついています。また、岩盤浴もパワーアップ!! マンガや書籍1万冊が読み放題で、休憩スペースも盛りだくさん。お風呂と岩盤浴のセットにしても、1200円とリーズナブル。1日のんびり過ごせてこのお値段は見事なコスパです。

No.3 らくスパガーデン名古屋/ 名古屋市名東区
