【Ohanani in Japan🌸🍱】

【Ohanani in Japan】

You can see some cherry blossoms bloom in Japan, and that tell us the spring is coming! People can say without a doubt that it is a symbol of Japan spring as well.
“Ohanami” scenes are seen in various parks. Today, I would like to share what you should know about ohanami!

○The history “Ohanami”
The beginning was “Ohanami = plum blossoms”

Hanami is said to be an event started by aristocrats in the Nara period, and it seems that at first it was to admire the plum blossoms that were introduced from China. In the Heian period, object changed from plum blossoms to cherry blossoms. 

○ How to enjoy cherry blossom viewing?
In Japan, it is not prohibited to drink alcohol outside. Therefore, you can drink as much alcohol as you want and enjoy it. It’s okay to drink a lot, but please take your garbage home with you. Smoking is a nuisance to those around you, so please only smoke in the smoking area.

-Sakuramochi / Hanami Dango
Don’t forget Japanese sweets! These are sold everywhere you go this season. Prepare for the number of people and let’s all eat deliciously!

-Hanami Bento
Hanami Bento is a must-have for Hanami. There is no particular definition of how a Hanami Bento should include this and that. Put lots of food you like and eat with everyone!

I think there are various popular spots each area, but the places under the cherry blossom trees and in the shade are very popular, so fill up quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to take a place in a planned manner. If you are going in a large group, check in advance!


日本では桜が咲くのを見ることができ、それは春が来ていることを教えてくれます! 日本の春の象徴でもあることは間違いありません。これからさまざまな公園で見られる「お花見」の光景。 今日はお花見について知っておくべきことを共有したいと思います!



-桜餅/ お花見団子

