【 What is Sumo ? 🍲🤼】

[ What is Sumo ? ]

Do you know sumo? Sumo wrestling, one of Japan’s traditional cultures, is a popular national sport with many fans even today. This time, I will introduce the history of sumo wrestling and information that is good to know.

○ Origin of sumo wrestling
Sumo wrestling is a traditional sport that arose from strength competitions and wrestling, which are manifestations of human fighting instincts. Similar sports have been played all over the world since ancient times. Sumo wrestling in Japan has its origins in the myth of a power contest in the Kojiki (712) and Nihon Shoki (720). Sumo wrestling has been held every year as a festival ritual to foretell the harvest of the year’s crops, which later became a court event and has continued for 300 years.

○Things to know to make watching a game more enjoyable
・” Shikofumi ”=raise each leg highly and stomp the ring 
This action is not only a warm-up before tackling, but also an action to get rid of evil spirits in the ground. “Shiko” has the meaning of “ugly”, and is used to drive away ugly evil spirits from the ring.

・”Shio Maki” = throwing a handful of salt over the ring to purify the space
Sumo wrestlers sometimes throw salt before entering the ring. Throwing salt has the role of purifying evil spirits in the soil with salt, and it is an action to pray to the gods. Only after becoming a sekitori ( high ranking wrestler ) are allowed to enter the ring with salt sprinkled on them. Shio maki is also proof of being recognized as a full-fledged sumo wrestler.

・Chikaramizu = Power water to purify the body
Water in a bucket is placed on the side of the ring, and this is called “chikaramizu”. After throwing salt, the sumo wrestler who won the previous match pours a bucket of water on them and rinses their mouths to purify themselves. The paper used to wipe off the power water is called “chikaragami” and is placed next to the bucket.

・ Expression to fight fair and square “Chiri Chozu”
After clapping the hands, the wrestler’s unique action of spreading both hands out to the side is called ‘chirichozu’. It is said to be an expression of the will to fight fair and square with only one body, without weapons, and is also said to “cut the dust”.

⬇️To see details more about sumo!
https://www.sumo.or.jp/En/ ]

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https://www.sumo.or.jp/En/ ]