[ Golden Week in Japan ]
The Golden Week is a collection of four national holidays within seven days. In combination with well placed weekends, the Golden Week becomes one of Japan’s three busiest holiday seasons, besides New Year and the Obon week.
Trains, airport and sightseeing spots get very crowded during Golden Week, and accommodation in tourist areas can get booked out well in advance.
The national holidays making up the Golden Week are:
~April 29~
Showa Day (Showa no hi):April 29 is the birthday of former Emperor Showa, who died in the year 1989. Until 2006, Greenery Day (see May 4) used to be celebrated on this day.
~May 3~
Constitution Day (Kenpo kinenbi):On this day in 1947, the new postwar constitution was put into effect.
~May 4~
Greenery Day (Midori no hi):Until 2006, Greenery Day used to be celebrated on April 29, the birthday of former Emperor Showa. The day is dedicated to the environment, because the emperor loved plants and nature. Before being declared Greenery Day, May 4 used to be a national holiday due to a law, which declares a day, that falls between two national holidays.
~May 5~
Children’s Day (Kodomo no hi):The Boy’s Festival (Tango no Sekku) is celebrated on this day. Families pray for the health and future success of their sons by hanging up carp streamers and displaying samurai dolls, symbolizing strength, power and success in life. The Girl’s Festival is celebrated on March 3.
You may be surprised by so many people going out during those days in Japan. If you have any plans going out with your important people around you, you may be better avoiding that date and make a reservation! You will be died by crowd. You can just relax at home sometimes!
ゴールデンウィークは7日間のうち、4つの祝日が集まってできた祝日です。 週末と相まって、ゴールデンウィークは、正月休みとお盆休みに加えて、日本で最も忙しい3つのホリデーシーズンの1つになります。
みどりの日(みどりのひ):2006年までは、みどりの日は、昭和天皇の誕生日である4月29日に祝われていました。 天皇が植物と自然を愛していたため、この日は環境に捧げられています。
こどもの日(こどものひ):この日は端午の節句(端午の節句)が祝われます。 家族は、こいのぼりを吊るしたり、兜の人形を飾ったりして、息子の健康と将来の成功を祈り、強さ、力、人生の成功を象徴しています。 3 月 3 日はひな祭りがあり、女の子が祝われます。
外国の方は、外出する人が多すぎて驚くかもしれません。周りの大切な人とのお出かけの予定があるなら、その日は避けて予約したほうがいいかもしれません! あなたは群衆によって大変な目にあうでしょう。たまには家でゆっくり過ごすこともおすすめです。