[Kimono Japan👘]

[Kimono Japan👘]

The kimono (着物) is a traditional Japanese dress. In modern day, it is worn only sparingly or during special occasions such as weddings, tea ceremonies, formal traditional events and funerals. An appropriate style and color of kimono is to be worn depending on the occasion and the person’s age and marital status. In recent years, kimono rental services for tourists have become very popular.

Men’s kimono usually have more subdued colors and are made typically from matte fabrics. Partly for this reason, it is the women’s kimono that generate more interest because their beautiful designs make them art pieces as much as they are garments. The women’s kimono is traditionally made of silk, but these days they are also made of polyester. Decoration techniques include embroidery, yuzen painting and dyeing.
Kimono cost from around 10,000 yen for a simple set made of cheap fabric to millions of yen for a luxurious silk outfit with intricate embroidery or yuzen designs. The outfit is accompanied by traditional footwear and a small handbag for women. One price level lower are yukata a casual version of the kimono popularly worn at ryokan and during summer festivals.

○Trying on kimono
Dressing up in kimono and other traditional clothing has become a popular attraction in Kyoto and many other tourist destinations across Japan. Typical fees for a basic kimono or Yukata start from around 4000-5000 yen and include the obi belt, sandals and accessories. More formal or intricate styles, such as dressing like a geisya or samurai, usually cost around 10,000-13,000 yen. Hair-styling and makeup services, as well as studio and outdoor photography sessions may also be available for an additional fee. Once dressed, you are usually able to go sightseeing in your dress.

If you are interested in Japanese style outfit, you should try it so you will love Japan more!!!

【着物 日本👘】



着物の購入価格は、安価な生地で作られたシンプルなセットの約 10,000 円から、複雑な刺繍や友禅のデザインが施された豪華な絹の衣装の数百万円まであります。この衣装には、伝統的な履物と女性用の小さなハンドバッグが付属しています。 1 つ下の価格帯では、旅館や夏祭りでよく着られる、カジュアル版着物「浴衣」です。

着物やその他の伝統的な衣装を着ることは、京都や日本中の他の多くの観光地で人気のアトラクションとなっています。基本的な着物や浴衣の一般的な料金は、帯、草履、小物などを含めて4,000~5,000円程度からです。芸者や侍のような服装など、よりフォーマルまたは複雑なスタイルの場合、通常は約 10,000~13,000 円かかります。ヘアスタイリングやメイクアップサービス、スタジオや屋外での撮影も追加料金を支払うことで、利用できる場合があります。着物を着て、街をプラプラと散歩に行くことができます。
