【Japanese Sake🍶】

[Japanese Sake🍶]

Have you ever tried nihonshu before? I totally addicted to Japanese Sake now, and I just want you to know how great they are! I am going to share some nihonshu info today!

Sake is an alcohol drink made from fermented rice. Often referred to as nihonshu (日本酒) in Japanese (to differentiate it from “sake” which in Japanese can also refer to alcohol in general), the drink enjoys widespread popularity and is served at all types of restaurant and drinking establishments. And as interest in Japanese cuisine has grown internationally, sake has started to become a trendy and recognizable drink around the world. The foundations of good sake are quality rice, clean water, koji mold and yeast. 

The Japanese brands to prefer
Many sake brands offer a good quality-price ratio and can be recommended as safe bets at affordable prices. I came up with the following selection:
* Tsushimaya (津島屋) by Miyozakura Brewery (Gifu prefecture), established in 1893, the groundwater supplied by Kiso River is a key ingredient;
* Musubi Yui (結ゆい) by Yuki Brewery (Ibaraki prefecture), that produces sake in 160-years old warehouses;
* Mustu Hassen (陸奥八仙) by Hachinohe Shuzo Brewery (Aomori prefecture), whose origins date back to the 17th century and that uses the best products of its area to make their drinks unique;
* Hirotogawa (廣戸川) by Matsuzaki Shuzo Brewery (Fukushima prefecture), a very small company established in 1892 that produces an exceptional sake;
* Kubota (久保田) by the eponymous brewery (Fukui prefecture), established in 1753, they grow their own rice and source water in the area’s underground bodies of water;
* Shuho (秀鳳) by the eponymous brewery (Yamagata prefecture), established in 1890 and that takes advantage of its ideal climate to develop an interesting nihonshu;
* Isojiman (磯自慢) by the eponymous brewery (Shizuoka prefecture), established in 1830, they enjoy pure water sources in their surroundings;
* Kokuryu (黒龍) by the eponymous brewery (Fukui prefecture), established in 1804, they grow their own sake rice;
* Sharaku (寫楽) by Miyaizumi brewery (Fukushima prefecture), 400 years old, is one of the most renowned breweries in the country.

There are so many other recommendation, so please search on the internet, and find your favorite ones!





* 津島屋 (津島屋) 御代桜酒造 (岐阜県) は 1893 年に設立され、木曽川から供給される地下水を主原料としています。

* 結城酒造(茨城県)の「結ゆい」。築160年の蔵で日本酒を製造されています。

* 八戸酒造醸造所 (青森県) の「陸奥八仙」。その起源は 17 世紀にまで遡り、その地域の最高の産物を使用しているのでユニークです。

* 廣戸川(廣戸川)松崎酒造醸造所(福島県)。1892 年に設立された非常に小さな会社で、優れた日本酒を製造しています。

* 久保田(久保田)は、1753 年に設立された同名の醸造所(福井県)によるもので、自社で米を栽培し、地域の地下水域で水を供給しています。

* 秀鳳(秀鳳)は、1890 年に設立され、その理想的な気候を利用して興味深い日本酒を開発する、同名の醸造所(山形県)によるものです。

* 磯自慢(いそじまん)は、1830 年に設立された同名の醸造所(静岡県)によるもので、周囲に純粋な水源を享受しています。

* 黒龍(黒龍)は、1804 年に設立された同名の酒蔵(福井県)によるもので、独自の酒米を栽培しています。

* 宮泉酒造(福島県)の写楽(寫楽)は、400年の歴史を持ち、国内で最も有名な醸造所の1つです。