【What’s Hyakunin Isshu?🎴🃏】

【What’s Hyakunin Isshu?🎴】

Do you know what the Hyakunin Isshu? To understand Hyakunin Isshu, you need to understand Japanese poetry first.

The verses and poems used in this game are all waka poems (short verse) written by an ensemble of 100 individual poets whose poems were collected by Fujiwara no Teika in the early Kamakura period. 

A waka poem can be divided into a 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 syllable-per-line structure. The 5, 7, 5 phrases in the first half of a waka poem are called the “Kami-no-ku (top phrase)” and 7, 7 phrases in the second half are called the “Shimo-no-ku (bottom phrase).

Although the topic of traditional waka poems tends to be about nature, love, and one’s feelings, the subjects covered in the Hyakunin Isshu are quite diverse.

Waka are often used as teaching material in Japanese literature classes and some schools hold their own Hyakunin Isshu competitions to encourage students to become more familiar with waka and further explore traditional Japanese literature.

●How to play Hyakunin Isshu

There are several varieties of the traditional Hyakunin Isshu game, however the most commonly played one is called “Kyōgi Karuta”.

In kyōgi karuta, you take 50 of the 100 cards and distribute them evenly 25/25 between you and your opponent.

Then, to start, you arrange them in three rows in front of each player. 

Next, the reader begins to read the waka one by one. 

To play, the reader holds a card on which both the top and bottom phrases are written, and reads them out loud.

When half of the card is revealed, both players compete to see who can finish the waka poem faster

Whoever can take all 25 of their opponent’s cards first, is declared the winner.

Incidentally, the key to getting more cards than your opponent in Hyakunin Isshu is to memorize the 100 waka poems.

If you’re an advanced player, you’ll be able to narrow down what kind of phrase will be read next just by listening to the first letter of the top phrase.

Memorize as many waka as you can and defeat any foe!




和歌は、5、7、5、7、7音節の構成に分けられます。和歌の前半の5、7、5句を「上の句」、後半の7、7句を「下の句」と呼びます。 伝統的な和歌は、自然や恋愛、自分の気持ちなどを詠むことが多い傾向にありますが、百人一首で取り上げられる題材は実に多様です。 日本文学の授業で和歌が教材として使われることも多く、生徒が和歌に親しみ、日本の伝統的な文学をさらに理解することを目的に、学校で百人一首大会が開催されることもあります。









