【Bear encounters in Toyama Prefecture have already reached 132 cases in October🐻🧸🏃‍♂️】

【Bear encounters in Toyama Prefecture have already reached 132 cases in October, six times as many as last year (as of October 19th)】

This year in Toyama Prefecture, the number of bears descending to the plains in search of food is rapidly increasing due to the poor harvest of beech and other trees.

According to Toyama Prefecture, there have been 132 cases since the beginning of October until the 19th, which is already six times as many as in October last year. Four people have been injured by bears this year, including a 79-year-old woman who died on October 17th after apparently being attacked on the premises of a residence in Toyama City. 

This is the first death caused by a bear in Toyama Prefecture since October 2006, when a man in his 70s was attacked and killed while walking in a residential area in Nyuzen Town.

Toyama Prefecture has issued an ”Japanese black bear warning,” asking people to refrain from going out in the mornings and evenings and from doing agricultural work, as well as removing persimmons and other items from gardens as soon as possible.

富山県内のクマ出没 すでに去年の6倍 10月132件に(19日時点)】




