Key Aspects of Living in Japan🇯🇵🏯

1. Housing Search

When starting life in Japan, securing accommodation is a crucial first step for foreign workers. Find a reliable real estate agent and ensure the following points are clarified before signing any contracts:

  • Clear understanding of the rent
  • Conditions regarding security deposits and key money
  • Safety of the housing
  • Accessibility of the location

2. Health Insurance

In Japan, the National Health Insurance system applies to everyone, including foreign residents. Before settling in, be sure to understand and complete the following:

  • Procedures for enrollment
  • Types of insurance and available options
  • Access to emergency medical services

3. Opening a Bank Account

A bank account is essential for daily life in Japan. Smoothly proceed with the process by considering the following:

  • Criteria for choosing a bank
  • Necessary documents and procedures
  • Convenience for receiving salary and making payments

4. Utilizing Public Transportation

Japan’s well-developed public transportation system provides an efficient means of getting around. Consider the following points for smooth mobility:

  • How to use trains and buses
  • Utilizing transportation cards and commuter passes
  • Understanding local traffic rules

By keeping these points in mind, foreign workers can embark on their life in Japan more smoothly.


1. 住居探し


  • 賃料の明確な了解
  • 敷金や礼金の条件
  • 住宅の安全性
  • アクセス状況

2. 健康保険


  • 加入手続きの理解
  • 保険の種類と選択肢
  • 緊急時の医療サービスへのアクセス

3. 銀行口座の開設


  • 銀行選びのポイント
  • 必要な書類と手続き
  • 給与の受け取りや支払いに関する利便性

4. 公共交通機関の利用


  • 鉄道やバスの利用方法
  • 交通カードや定期券の活用
  • 地元の交通ルールの理解
