【Useful Certifications for working in Japan🗾 ~language~】

【Useful Certifications for working in Japan ~language~】

The most important certifications for work in Japan would be something that related to Japanese language. Most people who are in charge of Human Resources judges Japanese skills through certification.

In this article, we introduce certifications and qualifications that foreign nationals should acquire in order to successfully get a job in Japan. 

To pick some of the certifications up, I would say that there are three common certifications.
・Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).
・Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT) 
・Practical Japanese Test (J.Test ) 

Please click the link under below if you wanna know more details.

It will be so helpful to study for getting certification even if you did not success to get it, because the important thing is to getting knowledge of Japanese language so you can speak, write, listen and read.

【日本で働くために役立つ資格 〜言語〜】 



いくつかの資格がありますが、その中でも3 つの一般的な資格があると言えます。

