【How to Prepare for Natural Disasters in Japan🌊🏠】

【How to Prepare for Natural Disasters in Japan】

To live in Japan, that means, you might face disasters such as typhoons, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunami. To alive and protect yourself, you have to prepare for disaster just in case. In this time, I would like to talk about what you can actually do for it, so you will never regret.

○Prepare an Emergency Bag or Survival Kit
Bousai (disaster prevention) backpacks loaded with essentials can be bought online on Amazon, Yodobashi and other similar websites. They’re a little expensive (typically around ¥20,000), but the backpacks are often multifunctional and come with many of the most vital necessities. It is not going to be too expensive when you actually face the disaster. There are some things money can’t buy. 

○Know Where Your Nearest Evacuation Area Is
Ideally, everyone should check where the nearest evacuation area or center is wherever they go as natural disasters can happen at any time, but at the very least, check the ones close to your office and your home on the internet.

○Do the Drills
If your local community center or ward office offers drills in your native language or English, considering attending to get an idea of the most important things to do and check when a disaster hits.

I know it is sometimes annoying to do them because the disaster is not happened yet at the moment, BUT crucial! You need to protect yourself to alive.


日本に住んでいると、台風、土砂崩れ、地震、火山噴火、津波などの災害に直面する可能性があります。 生きて、自分を守るためには、万が一の災害に備える必要があります。 後悔しないために、実際に実行できることをお話します。

必需品が詰め込まれた防災リュックは、Amazonやヨドバシなどの通販サイトで購入できます。 少し高価 (約 20,000 円)ですが、多くの場合多機能で、最も重要な必需品がたくさん入っています。 実際に災害に直面すれば、それほど高く感じないはずです。



現時点では、災害がまだ発生していないため、備えることが面倒くさくなる気持ちはわかります。 しかし、非常に重要です!生きるために、しっかり自分で身を守りましょう。