【How to deal with “The May Blues”🎏😞】

【How to deal with “The May Blues”】

After Golden Week (long holidays in Japan), it is necessary to be careful of “The May Blues “. It is said that people who have experienced environmental changes such as new employees and personnel transfers have difficulty adapting to the new environment, and are unwell, feeling unmotivated, and feeling mentally and physically unwell. The May Blues are not an official disease name. Medically, it is often associated with illnesses such as “adjustment disorder” and “depression.”

~How to deal with it~
As a countermeasure against The May Blues, it is important not to be so stressed. Let’s find a lot of methods that suit you on a daily basis.

・Interact with new people!
By talking to friends and acquaintances, you can sort out your anxiety and frustration, find solutions, and get advice.

· Smile!
Laughter also has the effect of balancing the autonomic nervous system and normalizing the immune system. Incorporate laughter into your daily life by talking to people, watching comedy, and playing with animals.

・ Have hobbies other than work!
Cherish the time you can do what you love. Also, interacting with people who have nothing to do with work through hobbies creates new relationships and broadens the range of life.

・ Be kind to yourself by noticing your own “way of thinking”
If you are the type of person who thinks of things in two extremes, “black or white” and “success or failure,” try focusing on “what you can do” instead of “what you couldn’t do.” Also, if you tend to generalize negative things by saying, “It’s always like this,” ask yourself, “Is it always like this, every time?” That way, when you realize that it’s not, you feel a little better.






