【 梅雨/ つゆ/ Tsuyu/ rainy season in Japan🌂🌀☔️ 】

【 梅雨/ つゆ/ Tsuyu/ rainy season in Japan🌂🌀☔️ 】

Do you know what Tsuyu is? It can be seen east area such as Korea, North Korea, China and Taiwan including Japan! 

In Japan, the rainy season is called Tsuyu (梅雨), which comes around mid-June every year. 
In general, Tsuyu starts in early to mid-June and will last for about a month and end about halfway through July. The date it starts varies as it depends on the area in Japan.

During the rainy season, the humidity increases to about 75% at most times. Depending on the year, it sometimes brings record-breaking rainfall which can cause heavy damage to the affected areas.

Tsuyu starts around mid-May in Okinawa which is in the southern part of Japan and most likely end in the middle of June which is considered pretty early nationwide. This explains why Okinawa is the most popular place to visit in June and July as the rainy season will usually have already passed.

A lot of people think the rainy season in Japan isn’t all that bad, especially if you come from a country that gets a lot of rain and are already used to it.

✴︎Before Tsuyu is coming, I would recommend to do things down below.
・Ventilate the room when it is good weather
・Clean the ventilation fan/ filter
・Clean the washing tub
・Clean the air conditioner’s filter 
・Seasonal change of clothes/ Soak the towels to sanitize
・Clean the shower room/ Anti-mildew measures
・Clean the back of the closet (take some dust)
・Clean inside the fridge

Why you should do all those things is to prevent the growth of bacteria due to moisture!
I would recommend to do that if that is possible! No more stink!

【 日本の梅雨 】






・衣替え/ バスタオルなどのつけ置き洗いをしましょう!
