【In order to ride a bicycle safely in Japan🚲】

【In order to ride a bicycle safely in Japan】

What is your mode of transportation? There are cars, motorcycles, bicycles and public transportation etc.

This time, I will tell you the rules for operating a very convenient vehicle, the “bicycle” in Japan.

Even Japanese people may not be fully aware of the rules for riding bicycles safely.

For foreigners, understanding Japan’s traffic conditions and bicycle rules must be not easy.

The following “five rules for safe bicycle driving” may be stopped by the police, so be sure to follow them!

1. In principle, bicycles should be ridden on the road, not on the sidewalk. ⇨ Bicycles are like cars. On roads with pedestrian/vehicle divisions, you must use the roadway.

2. Ride on the left side of the road ⇨ Cyclists must ride on the left side of the road (roadway).

3. Pedestrians should have priority on sidewalks

4. Follow safety rules

5. Children must wear helmets ⇨ Wear a riding helmet when riding a bicycle. Persons responsible for protecting infants and children should ensure that infants and children wear riding helmets when riding bicycles or riding with infants in infant seats. .

Follow the rules and be conscious of safe driving!

【日本 自転車に安全に乗るために】






  1. 自転車は車道を走るのが原則であること⇨自転車は、車の仲間です。歩車道の区分のある道路では、車道を通行しなければなりません
  2. 車道は左側を通行すること⇨自転車は、道路(車道)の左側端に寄って通行しなければなりません。
  3. 歩道は歩行者が優先であること
  4. 安全ルールを守ること
  5. 子どもはヘルメットを着用すること⇨自転車に乗るときは、乗車用ヘルメットを着用しましょう。幼児・児童を保護する責任のある方は、幼児・児童が自転車を運転するときや、幼児を幼児用座席に乗せて運転するときは、幼児・児童に確実に乗車用ヘルメットを着用させましょう。
