【Disaster prevention day / September 1】

【Disaster prevention day / September 1⭐️】

Japan is famous as a country with many disasters. In Japan, where there are many disasters, there is something called “Disaster Prevention Day”, and it’s September 1st!

Disaster Prevention Day was established to deepen awareness of disasters such as typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis, and earthquakes, and to prepare for the extreme heat of these disasters.

The Great Kanto Earthquake of September 1, 1923 at 11:58 a.m. left more than 140,000 people dead and missing.

Established in 1960, disaster drills are held every year nationwide.

In addition, the Isewan Typhoon that landed on the Kii Peninsula on September 26, 1959, the year before the law was enacted, caused 5,000 deaths and missing people, mainly in the Tokai region.

Autumn is the time when typhoons tend to approach Honshu, and in recent years there has been an increase in localized torrential rains, so it is necessary to be aware of and prepare for disaster prevention on a daily basis.

【防災の日 9月1日⭐️




