【10 frequently asked interview questions | How to answer good questions】

The impression you make at the interview is a big factor in getting a job offer. Are you confident in your interview? Today I will introduce 10 questions that are often asked in interviews. Most questions that I provide, you need to be prepared to explain why the answer is the way it is, rather than just answering it.

⭐️ Please introduce yourself

Please give a brief explanation in about 1 minute if you don’t get any specific instructions.

As for the content, it would be perfect if you could tell them your basic information (university name or job, name), personal information (what you worked on during your university or during previous work), and your enthusiasm for the interview!

⭐️  Please do a self-promotion

It is important to make an appeal while being conscious of the image of human resources that companies are looking for. After presenting your abilities and personality, you will explain the grounds on which you have acquired them and how you can use them at work.

⭐️  Why would you like to work with us?

You will tell the reason why you applied for the industry / the reason for applying for the company / how you will work after joining the company. It is a good idea to mention features, unique technologies, and products that are unique to the company. Don’t let the interviewer think, “Oh, he doesn’t care if he works anywhere!”

⭐️  What did you work your hardest at when you were a student?

Academics・workshop research/club activities/part-time jobs/ volunteer activities /hobbies

etc. By clarifying the motivation part, you can address the fundamental part of what drives your actions and how you approach things. Ultimately, it is necessary to connect to how active you are at work, so let’s make an appeal so that your experiences as a student are linked to your work!

⭐️ What sort of job do you want to do when you get this job?

When it comes to how you work after getting a job, it is important not only to present your goals, but also to state how you will strive to achieve them. Show your goals and the process to get there, and show that you have a clear idea of ​​what you want to do and that you have a high degree of aspirations.

⭐️  What are the strengths and weaknesses?

For strengths, tell how to use them in the work you choose, and for weaknesses, tell how you have improved or are aiming to improve.

To answer properly, you need to do some self-analysis. There is a separate summary about self-analysis, so please check it out!

⭐️ Tell us about a failed experience

You need to answer what you failed / how you dealt with (overcame) the failure / how you can use what you learned from the failure in your work. Remember and face your failures properly and present your own experiences of overcoming them.

⭐️ Please tell us about the selection status of other companies.

When the selection comes to a close, people are often asked about the selection process of other companies. The reason the interviewer asks about the selection process of other companies is to determine whether the candidates will join the company. Basically, you can honestly tell us about the selection situation, but in some cases you may have to adjust the content. When answering about the selection situation, it is important to have something in common so that there is consistency in the applicants.

⭐️ What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?

Companies want people to work for a long time, so they want to avoid mismatches as much as possible. In order to make a choice that you won’t regret when looking for a job, it is recommended that you think about it from the perspective of “Will I be able to realize the career I envision at this company?”

⭐️  Do you have any questions?

This is not only for the purpose of solving the questions, but it is also part of the evaluation, so be careful. Not asking any questions might give the impression that you are not motivated, but depending on the content, the impression may be bad.

e.g. What kind of skills should I acquire in order to be successful in your company?