【How to do Self-analysis!? ①⭐️ 】

There are various methods of self-analysis, however, some of you may be doing self-analysis for the first time. Even if you understand what you need to write, you may still have questions such as “What is the method of self-analysis in the first place?”, “What is an efficient method?”. Here, we will introduce an “efficient self-analysis method” that will help you solve such doubts.

[STEP 01]Create a personal history

The first step in self-analysis is to collect objective data about yourself. Objective data is the result of analyzing the experiences so far and extracting information that will be your “strength” in self-promotion.

This time, we will take a student who is about to graduate from university as an example and look at the specific procedure. First, let’s look back on “what you worked on from junior high school to university” using a self-analysis check sheet. By making a list and writing it out, it becomes easier to find PR points that you have not noticed before.

In this article, I have introduced “what we worked on during junior high and university days,” which are relatively easy to look back on. Let’s analyze from various perspectives such as “things” and “unforgettable experiences from junior high school to university days”.

Even negative experiences can become strengths if you show them what you have done to improve the situation. Don’t make judgements such as “this is not PR”, but let’s take a good look back.




【STEP・01】 自分史の作成



