【 How to do Corporate Research Part②】

【 How to do Corporate Research Part②】

Do you know what corporate research is? It is not something just to search the website for a few minutes, it is to know if that company is suitable for you. Today, I will share information about the method of corporate research. Please start with the previous article if you have not checked!

[Finding the position in the industry and the difference from other companies]

After researching the company’s characteristics and basic information, the next step is to compare it with other companies.

This is the stage where we find our position in the industry and what differentiates us from other companies in the same industry. Comparing with other companies in the same industry makes it easier to understand the attractiveness of the company and its uniqueness. There are many ways to make comparisons, but the following criteria are a good starting point.

・Compare by company size and business size

・Check the capital structure: Differences in corporate culture and welfare are likely to occur between companies that belong to a group, independent companies, and foreign-affiliated companies.

・Business formats and business partners: Differences can be seen even in the same industry due to differences in business formats and business partners, such as companies that specialize in a specific field and companies that develop a wide range of businesses, B to B and B to C. In order to gain a better understanding of a company, it is necessary to compare it with other companies.

[Analyze how well it matches your wishes]

Once your corporate research has progressed to some extent and your understanding has deepened, analyze how well it matches your wishes. Even if it seems “good” at first glance, if it does not match your ideals and hopes, there is a high risk that you will suffer from a mismatch after joining the company. Organize what you’ve gathered about the company and analyze if it’s a match for you.

【企業分析の方法 Part② 】









・業態や取引先:特定の分野に特化した企業と広い事業を展開する企業、B to BとB to Cなど、業態・取引先の違いによって同じ業界でも違いがみられます。企業に対する理解を深めるには、他の企業との比較が必要です。

