【How to prepare for job interview in Japan Part① 】

【How to prepare for job interview in Japan Part① 】

Are you now ready to get a job interview? Did you prepare enough for that? Before you go, please check all the information about preparation for job interview, so the percentage to pass that might increase!

~Dress code~
When interviewing for jobs in Japan, there is an essentially uniform way to dress. It is so common that it is colloquially known as a “recruit suit”.

・White, button-up shirt
・Black jacket
・Black, knee-length skirt
・Sheer tights
・Plain black heels, usually between 3 to 5 centimeters in height.
・You can wear make-up, but it should be simple and natural-looking
・Tie your hair up in a neat, low ponytail.

・White, button-up shirt
・Black Jacket
・Black trousers
・Black dress shoes.
・Simple, plain black belt
・There is more freedom of choice when it comes to ties, but a muted color that doesn’t grab too much attention is best
・It’s best to have a clean-shaven face with a short, neat haircut

Advices for both Women and Men
・Black to wear is usually the best bet.
・It is not advisable to wear strong cologne or perfume
・It’s better to avoid branded or flashy accessories. In fact, it is best to avoid wearing any jewelry at all.
・A backpack may look unprofessional – use a plain black bag instead.
・Your bag should be able to hold A4-sized documents and stationery necessary for the interview.
・Wear a watch to tell the time, because checking your phone is rude. 


あなたは今、就職の面接を受ける準備ができていますか? そのための準備は十分ですか? 受ける前に、この面接対策情報をチェックしておけば、合格率がアップするかもしれません!

日本での就職面接では、基本的に統一された服装があります。 通称「リクルートスーツ」と呼ばれるほど一般的です。

・ 白のカッターシャツ
・黒のヒールで、通常は高さ 3 ~ 5 cm です。


・ブランドや派手なアクセサリーは避けた方が良いでしょう。 実際、宝石類の着用は一切避けた方がよいでしょう。