【How to prepare for job interview in Japan Part④ 】

【How to prepare for job interview in Japan part④ 】

This is the last articles about preparation for job interview. If you have not read the first, second and third ones, please check them out first before you read this article!

Are you now ready to get a job interview? Did you prepare enough for that? Before you go, please check all the information about preparation for job interview, so the percentage to pass that might increase! This is finally the last article of job interview!

〜Wrapping up〜
The interviewer will typically announce the interview is over.
sore dewa, mensetsu wa kore de shuuryou desu 

You can reply with “Thank you very much for your valuable time today“.
honjitsu wa kichouna ojikan o itadaki, doumo arigatou gozaimashita 

Finally, after getting up from your chair, you can thank the interviewer again. Make sure to use the formal expression of thanks.
doumo arigatou gozaimashita 

Finally, give a respectful bow, approach the door, turn around and say excuse me
shitsureishimasu 「失礼します」(しつれいします。)while bowing once more. After passing the threshold, it’s a good idea to bow one more time just before closing the door. Be sure to stay in interview mode until you are outside the building. 

Now you are ready for an interview! Please subscribe our page, so you might find the best place to work in Japan! 



就職の面接を受ける準備はしっかりできていますか? そのための準備は十分でしたか? 行く前に面接対策情報をチェックしておけば、合格率がアップするかもしれません! いよいよ最後の投稿となります!

〜面接 締め編〜



「失礼します。」(しつれいします。)ともう一度お辞儀をします。 敷居を越えたら、ドアを閉める直前にもう一度お辞儀をするとよいでしょう。 また、建物の外に出るまでが面接だ!という感覚でいてください。
