【Manners and preparation for a successful Zoom interview Part②🖥👥】

【Manners and preparation for a successful Zoom interview Part②🖥👥】

It seems that more and more companies are conducting interviews online because it is easier to conduct interviews on the web for remote work jobs and first interviews. Web interviews differ slightly from traditional face-to-face interviews, so it’s important to be aware of factors unique to web interviews. Here are some tips.

○Update the version of the computer
Before having an interview, you should update the latest version for the zoom app. You might be late for the zoom interview because of you did not update the app. Also, you will need to update the whole systems of the computer in advance. If you accidentally click on the install update notification mid-interview, your computer will reboot during the interview. As a preparation, let’s make sure to update, so you will be ready without rush.

○ Choose a quiet room while interviewing
Choosing a quiet room free of distractions will help you focus on the interviewer and yourself. A room with a door that closes is an ideal space for the interview. Avoid unnecessary noise by closing the windows, turning off the TV and music.

○ Choose a background suitable for the business scene
When setting up Zoom, avoid cluttered and unsettling areas, and only show what is appropriate for your business setting. A clean wall in the background and a nice objects will show that you’re good at organizing and paying attention to details. Also, use a white or solid virtual background if it is so difficult to find the place in your house that is suitable.

○ Ask the interviewer questions
As you learn more about the job you’ve applied for, think about the questions you want to ask at the end of the interview. To do this, you need to focus on the interview and listen carefully to what the interviewer said. Good question themes include the culture of the company, the job description of the job you applied for, and what the interviewer likes about the company.

That is all about the tips that you should be careful during the interview. Did you all do it the right way? If the answer is No, you should be careful and try to do those, so the possibility of getting job will increase!

【 Zoom面接(オンライン面接)を成功させるマナーと準備 Part② 】





