【Complicated Japanese -mittomo-arimasen/ mittomonai】

【Complicated Japanese -mittomo-arimasen/ mittomonai】

Japanese is one of the most complex and difficult languages ​​with a surprisingly large vocabulary compared to other languages ​​in the world. Today, I would like to introduce Japanese word that are easy to make mistakes. If you know the right and wrong, there is no doubt that you will be respected!

Which of the following 1 and 2 is the correct expression?

① それは、みっともありませんでした。
( sorewa, mittomoarimasenndesita. )
② それは、みっともないことでした。
( sorewa, mittomonaikotodesita. )

The correct expression is 2.

( Mittomonai= be so stupid )
“Mittomonai is not “mittomo + nai”, but “mittomonai” is an adjective (same as “setsunai”, “tsumaranai”, etc.). Therefore, it is not possible to extract and use only “Mittomo”. (1) is a misuse of taking the word “mittomo”.

For the same reason, “mittomoiimonodehanai”, “mittomoyokunai”, and “mittomo-warui” are also misuses. However, in recent years, it seems that more and more people are using these expressions. In other words, more and more people are misunderstanding. However, these are not the correct words. Try to avoid words other than “mittomonai”.

In addition, when writing “mittomonaikotodeshita” in a more polite way, write “mittomonaikotode-gozaimasita”. Be careful not to write “mittomo-gozaimasendesita”.

【ややこしい日本語 みっともありません/ みっともない】



① それは、みっともありませんでした。
② それは、みっともないことでした。


