【Complicated Japanese -失笑 しっしょう Shissho】

【Complicated Japanese -失笑 しっしょう Shissho】

Japanese is one of the most complex and difficult languages ​​with a surprisingly large vocabulary compared to other languages ​​in the world. Today, I would like to introduce Japanese expression that are easy to make mistakes even Japanese people. 

What is the meaning of 失笑(しっしょう)[Shisshou]

①Stunned and cannot laugh at all 
③can’t help laughing
④So sad and cannot laugh at all

The correct expression is ③.

This is actually so many Japanese people use it wrong. For instance, the sentences like “I (Shissho) because his talk is super boring” and no one realize that it is wrong. If you have been learning Japanese for a while, you might be able to see what the meaning of each kanji, but you need to remember that not always Kanji is right. The right answer is 3, cannot help laughing. For instance, the sentences like “I (shisshou) because of his jokes”

This article is not only for someone from foreign countries, but also from Japan including me! I will continue posting this kind of Japanese lessons!

【ややこしい日本語 失笑】





失笑は、多くの日本人が誤用している日本語です。たとえば、「あの人の話はつまらないので、失笑してしまう」という文章では「失笑」が誤った意味で使われていますが、間違いに気づく人は多くありません。正しい意味を読み解くには、漢字のイメージにとらわれないことが大切です。先述した例文では失笑が誤用されていることを踏まえて、正しい意味を考えてみましょう。失笑の正しい意味は、③思わず笑ってしまう です。例えば、”彼の冗談に失笑する”という文では、面白くて思わず笑ってしまう というように使用します。
