【Complicated Japanese -煮詰まる につまる nitsumaru】

【Complicated Japanese -煮詰まる につまる nitsumaru】

Japanese is one of the most complex and difficult languages ​​with a surprisingly large vocabulary compared to other languages ​​in the world. Today, I would like to introduce Japanese expression that are easy to make mistakes even Japanese people. 

What is the meaning of 煮詰まる (につまる) [nitsumaru]

(1) Enough discussion and conclusions can be reached
(2) The discussion is heated and does not seem to end.
(3) No Idea and discussions do not progress
(4) There has been sufficient discussion, but no conclusion has been reached

The correct expression is (1).
煮詰まる(につまる)[nitsumaru] is a very misused Japanese word.
It’s a word often used in the business scene, but it’s not often used in the correct sense.

In recent years, there are so many Japanese people who get the meaning wrong that there is a movement to accept misuse as the correct usage. The Japanese word “nitsumaru” is also used as a word to describe the state of nearing completion when the broth is running low when cooking simmered food. The word used to express simmered food is also used in discussions, so if you don’t know the answer, it’s a good idea to think about it based on that point.

Many Japanese misunderstand that it means that the discussion does not progress, but be careful as it is misused. In general, the meaning of misuse is more widespread. If you don’t know which meaning the other person is using, it’s best to judge from the context.

This article is not only for someone from foreign countries, but also from Japan including me! I will continue posting this kind of Japanese lessons!

【ややこしい日本語 失笑】




煮詰まる の正しい意味は、①議論が十分行われて、結論が出せるです。

煮詰まる は非常に誤用されやすい日本語です。


