【Complicated Japanese Expression ~email~】

[ Complicated Japanese Expression  email 📩]

○Nanitozo-Yoroshikuonegai moushiagemasu
(There is actually no same expression in English. The similar one might be “Best regards” or “Thank you” )

“Nanitozo-Yoroshiku onegaimoushiagemasu” has the correct meaning of “strongly request something to the other party”. For example, you can use it to request something from a business partner, or to end an email or conversation. It is a word that frequently appears in the business scene, and if you have ever worked in Japan, you must have used it at least once.
In general, the people who use it are often superiors such as clients, business partners, and bosses.

◎Let’s use it like this!
Example) “おうちあわせにかんする しりょうを おおくりいただいてもよろしいでしょうか。おてすうをおかけしますが、ごきょうりょくのほど、なにとぞ よろしくおねがいもうしあげます。”
“Would it be possible to send me the materials related to the meeting? I am sorry for the inconvenience but thank you for your cooperation.”

✖️ Be careful not to duplicate the same content.
Example)”おせわになっております。さきほど ごいらいのデータを おおくりしました。ごかくにんのほど よろしくおねがいもうしあげます。いじょう、なにとぞ よろしくおねがいもうしあげます。”
“Hello, how are you doing? I just sent you the requested data. Thank you for your confirmation. Thank you so much for your cooperation.”

In this case, it would be better to change the way you say it, such as “なにとぞよろしくおねがいもうしあげます。”(Thank you for your cooperation) in one sentence only, or change the closing sentence to “Please feel free to contact me if you need anything”.

[ 複雑な日本語表現  メール編]




