【Japanese business etiquette regarding email/ writing style】

【Japanese business etiquette regarding email/ writing style】

Japanese people tend to respect etiquette, starting with business etiquette. Therefore, even in the world of business, there are many cases where not only ability but also manners and courtesy are required. It is no exaggeration to say that mastering business etiquette is essential when aiming to advance your career in Japan. Here are some things to keep in mind when writing business emails.

・Use “To”, “CC” and “BCC” properly when writing an address
When setting the address to which the e-mail is to be sent,
“To” main recipient
“CC” When you want to share the contents of an email with people other than those who put it in 
“BCC” You can hide the email address from other 
As I told you above, It is necessary to use them properly.

・The subject line should be easy to understand
The subject line, which is the first thing you see when you receive an email, has a very important role. It is one of the important etiquettes in emails to be able to properly judge the requirements and urgency from the subject line without opening the email body.

・Write the name and address at the beginning of the text
In the case of business emails, it is good etiquette to start writing from the name and addressee of the company you would like to talk with.

・Name yourself with a greeting
After writing the address, simply say hello and indicate your name and affiliation.
(Sorry for the sudden contact, my name is ~ from the sales department of XX Corporation.)

・Concisely summarize the requirements
As you write the body of the email, keep brevity in mind.

・Attach a greeting at the end of the sentence
After summarizing your requirements concisely, close the email with a short greeting.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you for your kind support.

・Do not forget your signature
After the closing greetings, state your name and affiliation again at the end.
Many e-mails have a function called ”しょめい” “signature” that allows you to automatically insert preset information at the end of the e-mail. In addition to your name, it is recommended that you register your company name, department, title, email address, phone number, etc. as a signature.

It is no exaggeration to say that mastering email and other business manners is essential for advancing your career in Japan. Please take a moment to review your previous emails and try to improve.

【日本 メールに関するビジネスマナー/ 書き方】





(例)突然のご連絡失礼いたします。�  初めまして、××株式会社営業部の〜と申します。


(例) お手数お掛けしますが、何卒よろしくお願いします。

