【Youth words ”yabai” -やばい-😱】

【Youth words ”yabai” -やばい-】

Modern Japanese people, especially young people, use “yabai” in various situations. However, it was not originally a word with multiple meanings. Over the years, it has changed from its original meaning to a word that can express any situation. Here, we will introduce the meaning of “yabai”.

●Original meaning of Yabai

Main body, “Yabai” was a word that expresses a situation that is expected to be bad, such as “dangerous” and “inconvenient”. There are various theories about the origin of the word, and one of the most popular is that it began to be used as a secret word among criminals.

●Modern meaning of Yabai

As mentioned above, the main body “yabai” is a word with a negative connotation that expresses dangerous or inconvenient events. However, in modern times, in addition to its original meaning, it is often used with a positive connotation. As a result, various emotions and situations can be expressed with the word “yabai” in modern times.

Currently, an example of emotions and situations that can be expressed with “yabai” is as follows.

* delicious

* pretty

* strong

* fun

* cool

* pretty

* splendid

* be impressed

* amazing

* look good

* worked

* surprised

* unexpected

* like

* Unpalatable

* dislike

* Poor physical condition

* cornered

* scared

* dangerous

* creepy

* Not cute

* not cool

* not suit

* uncomfortable

There are other emotions and situations that can be expressed with “Yabai”. Whether the meaning is good or bad must be distinguished by the conversation before and after, the tone of the other person’s voice, facial expressions, etc.


“It is so yabai that I’ve been eating too much lately.”

“Yabai” is used in the nuance of “I might gain weight by eating too much, what should I do?”

“Yabai!!! It’s so hot today, I feel like I’m going to fall down.”

This meaning of yabai is that painful and tired because of the heat

●Let’s be careful not to overuse “yabai”

Keep in mind that if you keep saying “yabai” in conversation, you may think that you don’t have enough vocabulary.

Yabai is a word that can describe any situation or emotion. However, if you just say “yabai” when there are other words that you can express, you may think that you are a boring person even if you speak a limited number of words. Also, using “yabai” makes it easier to end the conversation. Avoid using it actively in communication, and use it moderately according to the surrounding atmosphere

【若者言葉 やばい







  • 美味しい
  • 可愛い
  • 強い
  • 楽しい
  • かっこいい
  • 綺麗
  • 素敵
  • 感動する
  • 凄い
  • 似合う
  • 上手くいった
  • びっくりした
  • 意外
  • 好き
  • まずい
  • 嫌い
  • 体調が悪い
  • 追い詰められる
  • 怖い
  • 危険
  • 気味が悪い
  • かわいくない
  • かっこわるい
  • 似合わない
  • 不快






●やばい は使い過ぎに注意しよう

