【Reconsideration for Technical Intern Training Program in Japan👩‍🏭👨‍🏭】

【Reconsideration for Technical Intern Training Program in Japan】

Did you know that the government is considering to consolidate the Technical Intern Training Program and the specified skilled worker system?
It is expected that Technical Intern Training Program and the specified skilled worker system might be consolidated due to having some issues.

In principle, people who are working under the Technical Intern Training Program cannot change jobs and are not allowed to bring family members with them. In addition to many problems of non-payment of wages and human rights violations, trainees incur a large amount of debt due to paying “fees” and “security deposits” to sending organizations in their home countries. 
It is also pointed that it might lead to disappearances and illegal employment in Japan.

What do you think about it?
I will pursue this topic up until this to make cabinet decision.



