【Consider lifting the ban on home-visit nursing care by foreign workers】

【Consider lifting the ban on home-visit nursing care by foreign workers】

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has decided to review the rules for accepting foreign workers in the nursing care field. By considering lifting the ban on home-visit nursing care by foreign workers, which is currently not permitted, the aim is to expand the nursing care work that foreigners can engage in and alleviate the labor shortage in the nursing care field.

In 2017, nursing care was added as a target industry for the practical skill system, and in 2019, due to the status of residence “specified skilled worker” for 12 industries such as nursing care, foreign human resources working at special nursing homes etc which tends to increase. As of the end of October 2022, there are a total of 54,161 foreign workers working in the welfare industry such as nursing care.

However, currently, due to concerns about communication in Japanese with users, foreign workers are not permitted to work at home-visit nursing homes, fee-based nursing homes, or housing for the elderly with monitoring services.

On the other hand, the shortage of workers at nursing care sites is currently becoming more serious, and as of February 2023, the effective job openings-to-applicants ratio for nursing care services as a whole is 3.58 times, and for home-visit nursing care services is 14.99 times. This is 1.27 times compared to all other industries.

Against the backdrop of this shortage of workers, the nursing care industry is calling for lifting the ban on home-visit nursing care by foreign workers. In light of this situation, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has decided to revise working rules in the direction of expanding nursing care work that foreign workers can engage in.

However, if there are no Japanese staff around for home-visit nursing care, there is concern that the lack of Japanese language proficiency of the foreign staff will hinder the work. Therefore, it is expected that the conditions for lifting the ban will be the focus when considering.

Currently, discussions are underway within the government at an expert panel to consider revising the foreign technical intern training system, and the policy is to compile a final report by this autumn. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare plans to determine the content and timing of the review based on the conclusions of the meeting and opinions from industry groups in the nursing care field.

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