【More than 173,000 foreigners with specific skill residence status Twice as much as last year👨‍🌾👩‍💼👩‍🍳】

【More than 173,000 foreigners with specific skill residence status Twice as much as last year】

This year, more than 173,000 foreigners held the “Specified Skilled Worker” status of residence, which was introduced in an effort to expand the acceptance of foreign human resources, double the number from the same period last year.

According to the Immigration Services Agency, as of the end of June this year, there were 170,000 foreigners working in Japan who had obtained the “Specified Skilled Worker” status of residence, which was introduced four years ago to expand the acceptance of foreign human resources. There were 173,101 people, double the number at the same time last year.

Of these, by country or region, Vietnam has the highest number of people at 97,490, accounting for 56% of the total. 

This is followed by Indonesia with 25,337 people and the Philippines with 17,660 people.

 By sector, there were 53,282 people in the food and beverage manufacturing industry, 35,641 people in the industrial machinery and information-related manufacturing industry, and 21,915 people in nursing care. 

The Immigration Services Agency said, “Up until now, the spread of the new coronavirus had affected the number of people accepting people from overseas, but now that immigration regulations have been eased, the number of people has increased rapidly.”

特定技能の在留資格持つ外国人 17万3000人余 去年の2倍に】





