【Labor Shortage in Japan👥】

【Nearly 70% of small / medium-sized enterprises suffer from labor shortage, worst in history; serious problems in nursing, food and beverage, construction, etc., surveyed by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry】

We found that the labor shortage at small and medium-sized enterprises nationwide has reached nearly 70%, the worst ever, and the situation is becoming serious.

The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry conducted a survey targeting small and medium-sized businesses nationwide for 24 days starting July 18, and received responses from 3,120 companies.

According to the survey, 68% of companies responded that they were “short of manpower,” an increase of 3.7 points from the previous February, and the lowest ever since the survey began in 2015.

Of these, 64.1% said their business continuity and operations were being “very seriously” or “severely” affected.

Labor shortages are particularly serious in the nursing care, accommodation and food, transportation, and construction industries.

However, although 72.5% of SMEs responded by raising wages as part of their efforts to secure human resources, only less than 20% of them said they were promoting diverse and flexible work styles such as flextime and telework.

According to the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, “The severity of the labor shortage has increased, and it has spread to a wide range of small and medium-sized enterprises.”

From this article, I can tell that the Human Resources from abroad is so much important at the moment.

人手不足“過去最悪”中小企業で7割近くに 看護、飲食、建設など深刻 日本商工会議所が調査】







