【Granting “long-term resident” status of residence to Nikkei 4th generation👩👨】

【Granting “long-term resident” status of residence to Nikkei 4th generation, considering requirements such as Japanese language ability】

In order to increase the acceptance of fourth-generation Japanese descendants living in Central and South America, the government is considering granting “long-term resident” status of residence, which would allow them to stay and work for a long period of time, to fourth-generation Japanese who meet certain requirements, such as Japanese language proficiency.

Public comments will be solicited this fall, with the aim of amending the notification by the end of the year.

The government revised the Immigration and Refugee Act in 1990, when the labor shortage became serious during the bubble period. Second- and third-generation Japanese descendants and their families are now granted long-term resident status. The period of stay is set, but you can continue to stay if you renew.

On the other hand, in 2018, fourth-generation workers were allowed to stay for up to five years under the “Designated Activities” status of residence, and a system was created in which they could learn Japanese language and culture while working. According to the Immigration Services Agency, they expected to accept 4,000 people a year. However, as of the end of 2022, there were only 128 residents.

Under the current system, in principle, you must return to your home country once your period of stay has expired.

▽Unable to bring family along

▽Age limited to 18-30 years old at time of entry

▽The need to secure “accepting supporters” who will provide free living support.

Those have been calls from overseas Nikkei communities to ease the requirements.

【日経4世に「定住者」の在留資格を付与 日本語能力などを要件に検討







